Monday, January 25, 2016

Seeking Sacrifice

Throughout the month of January 2016, I have been keenly in tune to the promptings of the Holy Ghost, to learn what my Heavenly Father would have me do. I have not had the perfect plan fall into my lap. I have received an idea and pursued it, only to see it disintegrate or morph into something else. I know that writing my book is to be my number one priority. It is called, "Channeling George Bailey: How to Have a Wonderful Life." The world needs this book. It will show everyone how to have a richly blessed life, while helping to richly bless the lives of everyone around them. Sacrifice is necessary to achieve this wonderful life, and I believe sacrifice is also the one thing that keeps folks from embracing this way of life.

Ironically, sacrifice is the one thing that I need, right now, to help me get this book written, published, and out there in the world, where it can be of the most benefit. I don't mean that I need to make a sacrifice. I mean that someone out there, perhaps you, needs to make a sacrifice for my benefit. To give you some background, my initial plan, which has not panned out, was to get a part-time job in the Maplewood/St. Louis Hills/Brentwood area of St. Louis South City, find a place to live in the same area, and devote most of my spare time to writing. The location puts me close to my son and daughter-in-law, so that I can spend more time with them.

The second, amended plan, was to connect with someone I already knew, in a different location, but still in the St. Louis metropolitan area; I would find a part-time job in the area and help these folks that I knew, by paying to rent a room from them. While this plan has not completely faded away, I have not gotten confirmation that it would be the best option. In each of these two plans, I'm the person making the sacrifice.

This morning, I felt very strongly that it's time for someone to make a sacrifice for my benefit. I need someone to take me in, at least temporarily. Some of the ways this could work are:
  • A live-in caregiver position for an elderly woman or couple, that would provide free room and board, plus a small stipend, to allow me some "walk-around" money. I have no debts and could get by on as little as $100 per week, as long as room and board was provided.
  • A live-in nanny position, same circumstances as the caregiver position.
  • A single woman who is financially stable and lives alone, who would benefit from the companionship of another female.
  • Anyone who prays over this and feels prompted to provide for me in some way.
I could provide more background, tell you more about myself, explain why I'm needing you to make a sacrifice, but I don't think any further information I provide will be helpful. If, after reading this far, you have a negative opinion of me and wouldn't dream of helping me, that's fine. I know that I'm not going to change your mind. If, however, you have read this far and feel a tugging in your heart or a yearning to do something, please post a comment here, message me on Facebook, or contact me via phone or email, if you have my contact information.

Thanks for your support,
Blessings and love,

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