Friday, December 6, 2013

Christmas Lights

 Growing up, one of the things I most looked forward to doing during the Christmas season was driving through the neighborhood(s) admiring the light displays on the houses. It is a tradition I keep alive, to this day. We moved quite a few times, throughout my childhood, and my mother has told me that, each time my parents looked at a possible house to move into, Mother would measure to make sure there was room for her refrigerator in the kitchen, and Daddy would be looking for the best place to put the Christmas tree. I think it was 2008, when I included a Christmas letter with the newspapers I delivered. In the letter, I told my customers that my only request for Christmas that year was for them to leave their lights on all night, Christmas Eve, so that I could enjoy them on my route. A few places I dropped papers had security guards working all night, and I left small, candy-filled stockings with each of them. That was actually one of the best Christmases in my memory. It fulfilled my need to give to others, it satisfied my desire to see Christmas lights in several neighborhoods, and it enhanced my memories of Christmastime with my family, especially Daddy. Mother helped me put the letters together for my newspaper clients, and she tearfully thanked me for letting her help me and helping to bring back so many wonderful memories of Christmases past.

The past few days, my Facebook friends, old and new, have been posting and sharing pictures of their beautiful homes, all decked out in Christmas splendor, inside and out. I have seen Christmas trees; decks, porches, and driveways covered in freshly fallen snow; and some not-so-good photos and news of fallen trees and power outages. Even with the bad stuff going on, these Facebook friends are enjoying the warmth of families and friends in their beautiful homes, nestling close to their lovely fireplaces. I love seeing these photos and reading about wonderful things happening in their lives, just as I loved seeing the beautiful Christmas decorations of my customers, several years ago. Those of my Facebook friends who are reading this, please accept my gratitude for your graciousness in sharing your wonderful decorations, snow, and memories on Facebook. These thoughts and photos help me to feel that Christmas Spirit that I absolutely need, this time of year.

It is easy for people all alone this time of year to fall into depression or despair. Most of the single people I know, particularly women, don't have as much money at their disposal and can really feel out of place at various celebrations. What makes it most difficult for me, is not being able to throw parties and entertain, which is really what I live for. My life hasn't turned out like I thought it would, growing up. Of course, very few of us have that luxury of living the life we always wanted, but a lot of us do still end up with a spouse and children. Perhaps it's worse for those who had the spouse and children, at one time, but are now, for whatever reason, living alone. Sometimes I feel guilty going to a movie or going out to eat, because I feel like I should be saving that money, but it's a vicious circle, because, if I don't do something fun every once in awhile, I end up sitting at home feeling sorry for myself.

I'm not sharing this to get people to feel sorry for me, and I don't want you to feel bad because you may have a better life than I do. What I want you to get from this is that you should be grateful, every day, for what you have. As bad off as you think you may have it (and I'm including myself in that sentiment), there is always someone who has it worse. Those of you who are feeling all alone this Christmas, I pray for you anonymously, every day. Those of you who are in a position that I might envy, be thankful for what you have, and, if possible, share some of it with those less fortunate. I love to serve in a homeless shelter over the holidays. I love to do things that put me right in front of the people I'm helping. It is nice to take a child's name from a giving tree and buy a gift, but I prefer to give gifts in person, or at least to know the child who's receiving the gift. Whatever you do, I hope your Christmas/holiday season 2013 is the best you'll ever have, until next year! Maybe next year, I'll be in a better place, too!

Love you!

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